AG: Racist, vile texts sent to people in Louisiana
1 days ago
People across America have been getting racist text messages invoking slavery.
Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill says it is happening here too.
Here is a text one WWL listener received:
"My cyber team at the Louisiana Bureau of Investigation has discovered that some of these vile and racist spam messages can be traced back to a VPN in Poland. At this time, they have found no original source - meaning they could have originated from any bad actor state in the region or the world. We will continue to investigate," Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said.
The person who received that message says they are black, and says their black husband also got a similar message. However, the listener says a white coworker also got one of the texts.
"I have been made aware of racist and vile spam text messages individuals have received throughout Louisiana," Murrill posted.
She has launched an investigation.
"I have directed the Louisiana Bureau of Investigation to fully investigate the origins of these disgusting texts that only intend to divide us."
The AG says she wants to hear from people who got the messages.
"I urge anyone who received a text to contact my office at (800) 351-4889."
Some of the messages sent around the country reportedly instructed recipients to report to plantations and other locations.
Racism is a public health crisis. Below is a link to the original story: